Pin-Up Project
Magazine style center fold pin-up series
Originals are available unless marked sold. Signed limited edition full-size prints on archival water-colour paper will be available.
Why Pin-up? The short answer is, because it’s fun…and it toys with issues like men trying to control what women can or can’t do with their bodies, and the power women really have to seduce men for their own purposes. For a deeper dive into the “why” check out the article in the Muses and Musings page.
Pin up #1 – What Are You Looking At?
12x18in | oil on canvas
Artist’s Comments
I titled the first of the series “What Are You Looking At?” in part because it pokes at the subtext of the series, but in hindsight, I could have called it “If Looks Could Kill.” It seemed like an appropriate way to start the series.
As with the entire series, the painting is a playful exploration of early pin-up art done in the style of the 70s and 80s centerfold that shaped pre-internet teens (and folks of all ages). I explain the motivation of the series more fully in a newsletter.
Pin up #2 – Posing at the Beach
12x18in | oil on canvas
Artist’s Comments
At first glance, and rightly so, this is a painted depiction of a slightly grimy, coffee stained magazine centrefold pinup page. But…the coffee cup stain is an artistic ploy to cover the otherwise nude woman’s nipples. The result could be politely called an implied nude. My intent however, is more pointed.
It seems several popular social media platforms believe the exposed female nipple is the downfall of western civilization. Hey all you women, did you know your nipples were a menace to society? I’m not suggesting we throw out all social norms. They have their place in a caring society. But it should be the owner of the nipple who gets to decide if anyone else sees it and please quit considering women’s bodies as a menace to society.