Author: bill

  • The Pin-Up Project

    The Pin-Up Project

    There are seasons in an artist’s life when a muse exposes an awkward cognitive dissonance. Such is this artistically invigorating series of magazine centerfold style, pin-up inspired paintings. Creating these cheeky, sassy, and playful paintings is simultaneously fun and disquieting. It’s hard not to ask, what does this say about me, besides overthinking everything? The…

  • Thoughts on the Nude Figure in Art

    Thoughts on the Nude Figure in Art

    I need to preface this discussion with the clear disclaimer that when I refer to the nude figure in art; I am not in any way talking about depictions of gratuitous or explicit sexual activity. This discussion relates to the classical nude and its contemporary expressions. The history of the nude figure in art reaches…

  • Momma Is Watching…or Chasing Bison

    Momma Is Watching…or Chasing Bison

    Some of my favourite memories from the prairies are the countless hours spent at Elk Island National Park east of Edmonton, AB. The highlight was always the bison. After years of photographing the herds and lone bulls, I finally caught a moment I had to paint. That was a few years back, but it’s worth…

  • When to Frame “Gallery Wrapped” Canvas

    When to Frame “Gallery Wrapped” Canvas

    To frame or not to frame a painted edge gallery wrapped canvas is a question not even Shakespeare could have definitively answered. What is gallery-wrapped canvas, anyway? Technically, the canvas is wrapped around the stretcher bars and stapled in the back. This allows the sides to be painted. However, I most often use the term…